Why did the Earth become a giant "snowball"? This is the explanation of some Australian geologists
More than 700 million years ago, our planet's climate became extremely cold and the ice at the poles reached the equator. Australian geologists have determined what could have been the cause of this phenomenon.

The event known as "Snowball Earth", which took place about 717 to 661 million years ago, stands out as one of the most extreme climatic events in Earth's history. Although there is still uncertainty about the precise details that triggered and maintained this global glaciation, various theories have been suggested to explain it.
Several Australian geologists have used various models of tectonic plates to study glaciation. However, these models differ in aspects such as the fragmentation of Rodinia, changes in sea level and the circulation of carbon in the meso-oceanic ridges.
The triggering factors of the Earth's glaciation
The beginning of the Earth's glaciation known as "Snowball Earth" is due to several factors. One of them is the increase in the reflectivity of the planet due to the presence of volcanic particles in the atmosphere, which reflect sunlight.Another important factor is the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun, which is known as the obliquity of the ecliptic.
However, two key processes are the wear of continental rocks and the accumulation of organic matter, which take carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the atmosphere and cause global cooling. The study talks about scientist Delfiese, who suggested that these feedback processes become less effective when temperatures are extremely low, which can prevent the Earth from entering a state of "Snowball Earth".

In addition, Defliese proposed that during the long Sturtian glaciation, the production of earth's crust and the release of CO2 in the ocean ridges were very low, which helped maintain cooling conditions for a long period of time.
The theory of the "Snowball Land"
During extreme glaciations, such as Cryogenic, the "Snowball Earth" theory suggests that the entire planet was covered with ice, but geological evidence indicates that there were areas of open marine water and a functioning hydrological cycle. The slow exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) between the ocean and the atmosphere played an important role in the long-term climate.
What is a Cryogenic glaciation?
Cryogenic glaciations are those formed in the homonymous period. This, from 850 to 630 million years ago, is characterised by cold temperatures and extended glaciations.
The release of CO2 from the ocean ridges and the continental volcanic arcs influenced the global climate. During glaciations, changes in continental and oceanic volcanic activity could cause cooling or warming, depending on how CO2 release rates varied.
Read the #GEOLOGY paper by A. Dutkiewicz et al. that inspired the @nytimes article How Earth Might Have Turned into a Snowball (https://t.co/RZz91iYvYY): https://t.co/EYFyL6it3b #SnowballEarth #glaciation #GSAPubs @SydneyUni_Media pic.twitter.com/XIwTObwUOa
— Geological Society of America Publications (@GSAPublications) February 8, 2024
The completion of this glaciation could have been caused by a gradual increase in the release of CO2 from the ocean ridges and greater volcanic activity as the ice melted. However, this process does not fully explain what caused or ended the Marinoan glaciation.
Dutkiewicz A., Merdith A. S., Collins A. S., et al. Duration of Sturtian "Snowball Earth" glaciation linked to exceptionally low mid-ocean ridge outgassing. Geology, 2024.