Ten great benefits of consuming chia seeds
Chia is considered the food of the future. In addition, it is rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium, nutrients that help maintain healthy bones, preventing and/or controlling osteoporosis and anemia.

The consumption of chia in Mexico dates back to pre-Columbian times and has even played a fundamental role in religious ceremonies due to its value in society. Mexico produces almost seven thousand tons of chia (salvia hispánica) annually. It originates in central and southern Mexico and Guatemala.
According to the Mexican Government's website, there are stories that say that with just one spoonful of these seeds an Aztec warrior had enough strength for up to 24 hours. The main states that produce chia are: Jalisco, Puebla and Sinaloa. The word "chía" in Mayan means strength and the name of the state of Chiapas, which means "On the river of Chia" is due to this little seed.
The annual production of chia seeds in Jalisco is more than 6 thousand tonnes. 88 percent of chia production is concentrated in municipalities in the Jalisco Highlands. In this article we will discuss the properties and benefits of this tiny brown, black or white seed, which comes from the plant Salvia hispánica.
Although chia was used in pre-Columbian times, it unfortunately fell into oblivion for centuries. It has recently been rediscovered as a superfood. Not in vain did legend say that Aztec warriors could sustain themselves all day on a spoonful of chia, and today its dietary virtues seduce the Western world.

But let's talk about what this tiny seed contains. It has a high level of omega 3, which controls high blood pressure and cholesterol. Along with flax, it is one of the plant species with the highest concentration of omega 3 alpha-linolenic fatty acid. Chia is credited with having five times more calcium than whole milk and two times more potassium than bananas.
The most common way to eat chia is by mixing the seeds with water, juice or some liquid food. In Mexico, lemon water with chia is very popular. It has also become popular to add chia to yogurt, oatmeal or even salad. There are those who consume it ground and combine it with flour to prepare a cake.
Chia, for its low production cost and high nutritional value, is a superfood
Eating chia seeds regularly can help strengthen health in a comprehensive manner. Among its benefits for the body, it is considered an ingredient with anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic and vasodilatory properties, which helps regulate blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
In recent years and thanks to its benefits, it has also become very popular for its purifying and antioxidant properties, regulating intestinal flora and preventing cellular oxidation, calming joint pain, increasing muscle mass, providing energy, helping to control cravings and thus supporting weight loss. According to information from Profeco's Consumer Power, chia has a high nutritional value, containing 17 grams of protein, 42 grams of carbohydrates and 31 grams of total fat per 100 grams.
But let's recap the top ten benefits of chia:
This little seed is anti-inflammatory
- Antithrombotic Vasodilators, which regulate blood pressure and reduce cholesterol
- Has purifying properties
- Antioxidants
- Regulates intestinal flora
- Assists in improving the gastrointestinal tract
- Helps with joint pain
- Provides energy Helps in increasing muscle mass
Chia is considered the food of the future. In addition, it is rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium, nutrients that help maintain healthy bones, preventing and/or controlling osteoporosis and anemia. It also keeps the heart healthy, a tablespoon of this seed covers 20 percent of the recommended daily fibre, which helps prevent constipation.