Scientists reveal the devastating power and extent of a gigantic underwater avalanche north of the Canary Islands
New research from the University of Liverpool has revealed how an underwater avalanche grew more than 100 times in size, causing a huge trail of destruction as it cut 2,000km across the Atlantic Ocean seabed off the north-west coast of Africa and the north of the Canary Islands.

In a study, published in the journal Science Advances, researchers provide unprecedented insight into the scale, force and impact of one of nature's mysterious phenomena, submarine avalanches.
Dr Chris Stevenson, a sedimentologist at the University of Liverpool's School of Environmental Sciences, co-led the team that has for the first time analysed a giant submarine avalanche from head to toe, which took place almost 60,000 years ago in the Agadir Canyon.
A giant underwater avalanche north of the Canary Islands and off the western coast of Morocco
Their analysis reveals that the event, which began as a small landslide on the seafloor about 1.5 km in volume, grew more than 100 times in size, picking up rocks, gravel, sand and mud as it travelled through one of the world's largest submarine canyons before travelling another 1,600 km across the Atlantic seafloor.
The avalanche was so powerful that it eroded the entire 400 km length of the canyon and several hundred metres down the sides (about 4,500 km in total) and was so strong that it carried pebbles more than 130 m down the sides of the canyon.
Spotting submarine avalanches
Unlike a landslide or snow avalanche, submarine avalanches are impossible to see and extremely difficult to measure. However, they are the primary mechanism for moving materials such as sediment, nutrients and pollutants across the Earth's surface and pose a significant geological risk to seafloor infrastructure such as internet cables.
The research team analysed more than 300 core samples from the area taken during research expeditions over the past 40 years. This, together with seismic and bathymetric data, allowed them to map the giant avalanche, north of the Canary Islands.

Dr Stevenson said: “This is the first time anyone has managed to map an individual submarine avalanche of this size and calculate its growth factor.”
“What is so interesting is how the event grew from relatively small beginnings to a huge and devastating submarine avalanche that reached heights of 200 metres while moving at a speed of about 15 m/s, ripping up the seabed and destroying everything in its path.
“To put it into perspective: this is a skyscraper-sized avalanche, travelling at over 65 km/h from Liverpool to London, digging a trench 30 m deep and 15 km wide destroying everything in its path. It then spreads over an area larger than the UK, burying it under about a metre of sand and mud.”
Dr Christoph Bottner, a Marie-Curie researcher at Aarhus University in Denmark, who led the team, said: “We estimate the growth factor to be at least 100, which is much larger compared to snow avalanches or debris flows that only grow by four to eight times. We have also seen this extreme growth in smaller submarine avalanches measured elsewhere, so we think this could be a specific behaviour associated with submarine avalanches and it is something we plan to investigate further.”
Professor Sebastian Krastel, Head of Marine Geophysics at Kiel University and chief scientist on board the cruises that mapped the canyon, added: “Our new discovery fundamentally challenges the way we view these events. Before this study, we thought that large avalanches were only triggered by large slope failures. But now, we know that they can start out small and grow into extremely powerful and extensive giant events.
“These findings are of enormous importance for how we try to assess the potential geological risk to seafloor infrastructure, such as the internet cables that carry almost all of the world’s internet traffic, which are central to every aspect of our modern societies.”
Christoph Böttner et al, Extreme erosion and bulking in a giant submarine gravity flow, Science Advances (2024). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adp2584.