Scientists predict that families will change dramatically in the coming years
The number of family members an individual has is expected to decrease by more than 35% in the near future. At the same time, the structure of families will change dramatically.

A study suggests that the number of cousins, nieces, nephews and grandchildren will decrease dramatically, while the number of great-grandparents and grandparents will increase significantly. In 1950, a 65-year-old woman had an average of 41 living relatives. In 2095, a woman of the same age will have on average only 25 living relatives.
Projection of the evolution of human kinship relations at a global level
Diego Alburez-Gutiérrez is head of the Kinship Inequalities research group at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock. Together with Ivan Williams of the University of Buenos Aires and Hal Caswell of the University of Amsterdam, he recently published a study projecting the evolution of human kinship relationships around the world. The work is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"We wonder how demographic change will affect the kinship endowment in the future," explains Alburez-Gutiérrez. "What was the size, structure and age distribution of families in the past and how will they evolve in the future?"
For the study, researchers analysed historical and projected data from the 2022 revision of the United Nations World Population Prospects.

"We use mathematical models to represent the relationship between a person, their ancestors, and their descendants over a given time period. The model provides average age and sex distributions for different types of kinship for each calendar year," says Alburez-Gutiérrez. One thousand kinship histories were calculated for each country.
Families will increasingly shrink
The researchers documented differences in family size around the world, which they defined as the number of living great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, siblings and cousins. "We expect total family size to decline permanently in all regions of the world. We expect the largest declines to occur in South America and the Caribbean," says Alburez-Gutiérrez.
In North America and Europe, where families are already comparatively small, the changes will be less pronounced. Here, a 65-year-old woman had about 25 living relatives in 1950, but in 2095 she will have only 15.9 relatives.
"Our findings confirm that the availability of kinship resources is declining around the world. As the age gap between individuals and their relatives widens, people will have family networks that are not only smaller, but also larger. Consider the case of grandparents and great-grandparents, which are expected to be in greater supply in the future. While this could theoretically help ease the burden of child care for parents, these (great-)grandparents may actually need care themselves".
The study highlights the need to invest in social support systems that guarantee the well-being of people at all stages of life. A large proportion of the world's population does not currently have access to highly developed social support systems.
For them, family ties remain an important source of informal care and support, and are likely to remain so in the future. "These significant changes in family structure will generate important social challenges that policymakers in the global North and South should consider," says Alburez-Gutiérrez.
Diego Alburez-Gutierrez et al, Projections of human kinship for all countries, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2023). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2315722120