Heading to the beach? Swimsuit color matters, these are the best colors to keep your kids safe in the water

When packing for the beach, pool, or lake, be sure to be conscious with the color swimsuits you and your family pack. Studies show different colors significantly reduce visibility in the water.

swimsuit color
Selecting the best swimsuit color is more important than you may think with studies showing neon colors are best to keep your child visible in the water.

Temperatures are rising across the country this week and millions of Americans are flocking to beaches, pools, and lakes hoping to cool off in extreme heat. The water is a very dangerous place for kids in the summer, putting parents on alert for the best ways to keep their children safe.

Studies have shown that drowning is the number one killer for young Americans with children accounting for one in four drowning deaths in the country. Picking your kids swimsuit when heading to the water is more than a fashion choice, it could be the difference between life or death.

Choose accordingly depending on the body of water

Water is a highly reflective surface. Surely you have been momentarily blinded a time or two from sun rays hitting the surface perfectly. This quality is also what makes it so difficult to view things that are beneath the surface. The properties of water will distort your view things within it, including your view of your child.

Whether in a lake, a pool, or the ocean, the water is going to move, disrupting the surface. When this happens, there are more places for the sunlight to reflect off therefore reducing the visibility below the surface.

Not all water is created equal, lakes tend to be cloudier, pools bluer, and oceans disrupted by waves. A good bathing suit color choice can change depending on where you are swimming.

If in a pool, choose a color with high contrast to the liner, staying away from whites or light blues. Even dark blues or blacks may be mistaken for a clump of leaves on the bottom of the blue, so experts do not recommend those colors as well.

Bright colors with small pattern a clear good choice

Research has shown that neon colors are the best bet for keeping your kid visible in the water. Even below the surface, you will be able to see the bathing suit and therefore, your child.

When it comes to patterns, large dark patterns, even on bright swimwear will lower the visibility of the child. The pattern will camouflage with ripples at the surface, hiding the swimmer from view. Small patterns in a light color do not impact visibility, so try to choose a suit with either light pattern or no pattern at all.

Practice safe swimming

While it does make a difference, the color of your child’s bathing suit is not the only thing that will keep them safe in the water. Anyone in the water should always swim with a buddy and never go in alone. Children should be kept under a close eye in the water even when there are lifeguards around.

Putting your child in formal swim lessons is hugely important to keep your child safe in the water. Studies have shown an 88% decrease in risk of drowning in kids ages 1 to 19 when they have taken swim lessons. Always employ safety practices around bodies of water.

News reference:

ALIVE solutions research https://alive-solutions.com/f/swimsuit-color-and-pattern-testing-results