Worrying levels of fibreglass from boats found in oysters and mussels
High levels of fibreglass have been found in the soft tissues of oysters and mussels, which raises concerns about the health of the oceans.

Oysters and mussels have been found to contain high levels of glass reinforced plastic (GRP) or fiberglass, a material frequently used in boat construction. This is the first time that GRP particles have been seen entering the food chain, which raises serious health and environmental concerns.
Researchers from the Universities of Brighton and Portsmouth found that GRP is breaking down and contaminating coastal waters, causing unexpected harm to marine life.
Hidden dangers
GRP particles have been detected in the soft tissues of oysters and mussels harvested near Chichester Harbour, an active boatyard and popular sailing destination. Researchers found up to 11,220 fibreglass particles per kilogram in oysters and 2,740 particles per kilogram in mussels.
“Our findings show a disturbing level of GRP contamination in marine life,” says Dr Corina Ciocan, Principal Lecturer in Marine Biology from the University of Brighton. “This study is the first of its kind to document such extensive contamination in natural bivalve populations. It’s a stark reminder of the hidden dangers in our environment.”
Durable but persistent
Fibreglass has been widely used in boat manufacturing since the 1960s. It’s incredibly durable but difficult to dispose of properly, so it’s often improperly discarded or abandoned. Small glass particles can enter the water – especially in the winter during peak boat maintenance season – and accumulate in bivalves like oysters and mussels.
These stationary filter-feeders are critical to marine ecosystems, but ingesting GRP severely impacts their health, interfering with their digestive systems and leading to physiological stress and even death.

Professor Fay Couceiro from the University of Portsmouth says: “We’re just starting to understand the extent of fibreglass contamination. Our study is the first to show this level of contamination in natural bivalve populations.”
The findings could also have significant implications for human health, as oysters and mussel end up on our dinner plates. The effect of GRP contamination is not yet fully understood but the ecological impact could be significant and widespread; more research is needed to understand the potential transfer up the food chain and the implications for human health.
Wake-up call
The research serves as a wake-up call to the boating community and environmental regulators and highlights the urgent need for better regulation and management of GRP disposal. Professor Couceiro says this is “a global issue, particularly for island nations with limited landfill space. Efforts are being made to find viable disposal solutions, but more needs to be done to prevent at-sea dumping and onshore burning.
“We must improve public access to slipways and commercial boat maintenance facilities. Creating a better ethos around end-of-life boat management is crucial to minimise further exposure and spread of these contaminants” Dr Ciocan adds.
“We have to address this issue head-on to protect our marine ecosystems and ensure a healthier future for our oceans,” Professor Coucerio concludes.
News reference
Ciocan, C. et al (2024) Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) boats and the impact on coastal environment – Evidence of fibreglass ingestion by marine bivalves from natural populations, Journal of Hazardous Materials.