TOI 700e was the first rocky exoplanet of 2023. Which will be the first of 2024?
Like children born at the stroke of midnight on the new year, the exoplanet TOI 700 is, in chronological order, the first rocky planet discovered in 2023. We are waiting to find out which one will be the first of 2024. Stay tuned.

TOI 700 e is a rocky exoplanet, with a mass little smaller than Earth's (8/10 Earth's) and a radius almost equal to that of Earth (although only 5 cents lower).
In the chronological list of rocky planets TOI 700 and occupies position 199 and is the first discovered in 2023.
To be honest, the discovery and subsequent confirmation of an exoplanet takes time, even years. Therefore, the date on which the discovery of an exoplanet is communicated (as with any other discovery) is the date on which the scientific work was accepted and published in an international scientific journal. However, all this can happen even months after the actual date of discovery.
How it was discovered
The TESS Space Telescope is a photometric telescope built not to obtain high-resolution images of stars or in general of celestial objects (such as the Hubble and James Webb telescopes), but the brightness of the stars, more precisely the light curves.

The purpose of the photometric observations of TESS is the search for any eclipses produced by the transit of an exoplanet in front of the disk of the star.
The star is observed continuously hoping that at some point there will be a transit in front of its disk that will be detected as a small decrease in brightness.
The TESS telescope allows you to search for exoplanets by the transit method.
After the Kepler telescope, TESS is the one that discovered the largest number of exoplanets with the transit technique.
Who discovered TOI 700 e
The first three planets b, c, d of the star TOI 700 were discovered in 2020 by an international team led by young astronomer Emily Gilbert of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The fourth planet, TOI 700 e, was also discovered by the same team in 2023 and published in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters by Gilbert as the first author and by 31 other co-authors of different institutions, including 3 Italians from the Campo Catino Astronomical Observatory.
The TOI 700 star was already known since 2020 for being discovered to be home to as many as three planets.
Among the four planets, TOI 700 d is the first Earth-type planet within the habitability band of its star discovered by TESS, thanks to Gilbert's own analysis. Therefore, it is a star already studied and of significant interest.
The team, after identifying the transits of the planets b, c, d, also managed to unveil the transits of the planet e. As shown in the previous figure, the eclipse produced by the latter planet is barely detectable, so it is particularly difficult to discover.
But that's not all. In fact, Gilbert's group obtained additional telescope time with TESS to continue studying the system for better characterisation and to discover any other planets.
The planetary architecture of the star TOI 700
The TOI 700 star is a red dwarf star with a surface temperature around 3000 degrees Kelvin. This is home to a planetary system of 4 planets, but there may be others still undiscovered.
Three of these planets are classified as terrestrial-type planets, one is a mini-neptunian. In addition, two of the terrestrial planets are within the habitability band.

The following figure shows the configuration of these planets. In particular, the planet TOI 700 and orbits within what is called the area of optimistic habitability.
The 4 planets orbit the star with periods of 9 to 37 days, shorter for the closest planets and longer for the more distant ones. Exactly TOI 700 and is the most distant and the last to have been discovered.
Given the frequency with which new exoplanets are discovered, we expect a short time to know which will be the first newborn of 2024!