This is the Reason Why Some Children Learn to Speak Before Others, According to a Harvard Study
Using Big Data, 40,000 hours of audio from more than a thousand children under 4 years old on six continents were analyzed to find out why some speak before others.

The first years of life define the character of a child. And in particular, the first four years are critical for language development, with great variations in the speed at which children learn to speak.
Language is a universal human skill that young children easily acquire when struggling with many basic aspects of survival. But it is seen that the linguistic capacity varies according to the individuals. Most children say single words at 18 months and progress to phrases and sentences around two or three, but others speak much earlier.
Naturalistic and experimental observations suggest that children's language skills vary according to factors such as the socioeconomic level and gender of children, but a recent recent observational study on the subject has yielded surprising results.
It's not what we thought
For years, psychologist Elika Bergelson of Harvard University has wondered what factors really influence the daily use of language by children.

Bergelson carried out this study leading an international team of psychologists, using a big data approach to report on a diverse, intercultural and unique set of data: more than 2,500 audio recordings of more than 1001 children from 2 to 48 months from 12 countries on six continents, in different contexts: urban, rural and subsistence agriculture.
"The slower development of language has often been attributed to parents from lower socioeconomic backgrounds providing less information to their children (seen from a Western perspective of the middle class), which motivates requests for behavioral interventions aimed at increasing it"
And the first conclusion was surprising: in contrast to previous conclusions based on more limited sampling methods and a different set of linguistic indicators, the socioeconomic level of the children's family (determined by their mother's educational level) was not significantly associated with speech production during the first 4 years of life, nor was gender or multilingualism.
It's the interaction with adults
The study collected audios using portable recorders, which were placed in children of various stages of development and abilities, aged between two months and four years.
Using machine learning techniques to examine the more than 40,000 hours of recordings, Bergelson and his colleagues tested a variety of factors that could influence the frequency and anticipation with which a child babbles or says syllables, words or sentences.

The results revealed that children under four years of age produce about 66 more vocalizations per hour with each year of development. And that is to be expected, since age is closely related to cognitive development, but there was another factor that also showed a surprisingly strong effect: the children who listened to adults speak the most, tended to talk more.
On average, for every 100 vocalizations of an adult heard by a child in an hour, that child produced 27 more vocalizations. And with the effect of "adult speech", instead of producing about 66 vocalizations, they went to 82 vocalizations with each year of child development.
Improve our understanding of speech problems
To put into perspective the importance of that effect, the children in the study who showed a development of non-normative language, such as dyslexia, produced 20 fewer vocalizations per hour compared to their peers. Each year, that gap was widened by approximately 8 vocalizations per hour.
This study only counted the sounds that were made during the day, which means that it did not examine the sophistication of the language used by children. That is why Bergelson recognizes that his study adopted a "thick" approach that can overlook some finer details, and believes that socioeconomic or gender factors can still affect some elements of language development that are overlooked in this study.

Children who grow up in homes of a higher socioeconomic level, for example, could have parents who read them more, which possibly improves their vocabulary or their grammatical development.
These findings can expand our knowledge about early language development for the general public, including parents, doctors, educators and policymakers. The factors that explain the variation make us understand the unique ability of humans to learn and the potentially large-scale applications of machine technology to everyday human behavior.