New tiny fossil penguin from New Zealand helps shed light on how their wings have evolved
A new fossil penguin discovered in the Hakataramea Valley, South Canterbury had helped palaeontologists understand how penguins’ wings have evolved throughout geological time and the evolutionary history of the bird.

A new paper published in the Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand describes a new species of extinct penguin which would have lived in Otago around 24 million years ago.
News species
The researchers have named the fossil animal Pakudyptes hakataramea, and it would have been very small around the same size as the living penguin species the little blue penguin, which is the smallest in the world. It also displays adaptations which may have allowed it to dive in prehistoric waters.
Dr Tatsuro Ando, the lead author of the paper and a former PhD candidate at the University of Otago and now a resident of the Ashoro Museum of Palaeontology in Japan, collaborated with researchers from Otago, Osaka University and the Okayama University of Science.
The research team analysed 3 bones, a humerus, femur and ulna, which were discovered by Professor Ewan Fordyce in the Hakataramea Valley, South Canterbury. Professor Fordyce was Dr Ando’s mentor and supervisor at Otago and previous discussions helped inspire the paper.
Dr Ando explained that Pakudyptes helps to fill a morphological gap between fossil and modern penguins. “In particular, the shape of the wing bones differed greatly, and the process by which penguin wings came to have their present form and function remained unclear,” he said
“Surprisingly, while the shoulder joints of the wing of Pakudyptes were very close to the condition of the present-day penguin, the elbow joints were very similar to those of older types of fossil penguins. Pakudyptes is the first fossil penguin ever found with this combination, and it is the ‘key’ fossil to unlocking the evolution of penguin wings.”
Dr Carolina Loch, from the Otago Faculty of Dentistry and also a co-author of the paper, conducted analyses of the internal bone structure at the Faculty of Dentistry. They then compared it with data from living penguins which was provided by the Okayama University of Science and displayed that the extinct penguin had microanatomical features suggestive of diving.
Super swimmers
Modern penguins are excellent swimmers, due to their dense bones which help with buoyancy during diving. Pakudyptes has a reasonably thick bone cortex although the medullary cavity, the part that contains bone marrow, was open. This is similar to the modern little blue penguin, which swims in shallow water.
Pakudyptes was able to dive and swim due to the distinctive characteristics of its bones. The humerus and ulna both display areas for attachments of ligaments and muscles which show how the wings would have been used to swim and move under the water.
“Penguins evolved rapidly from the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene and Pakudyptes is an important fossil from this period. Its small size and unique combination of bones may have contributed to the ecological diversity of modern penguins.” Said Dr Loch.
Source of the news:
Ando, T., Robinson, J., Loch, C., Nakahara, T., Hayashi, S., Richards, M.D. and Robert Ewan Fordyce (2024). A new tiny fossil penguin from the Late Oligocene of New Zealand and the morphofunctional transition of the penguin wing. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, pp.1–22.