It has finally been discovered why carrots are orange
A recent study looked at the domestication of carrots, the history of their cultivation and the genetics of carotenoids at a molecular level, which made it possible to discover the origin of orange carrots. What made them this way?

The carrots that were first domesticated by humans were cultivated on agricultural land in Central Asia throughout the 10th century and, at that time, were purple or yellow in colour.
It was only a few centuries later that the famous orange carrots appeared in Europe, around the year 1400, with this colour probably being attributed to the crossing of yellow and white carrots.
From then on, orange carrots became famous because of their striking colour, their sweet flavor and other characteristics that made them an emblematic, nutritious and healthy vegetable.
"In the early 1900s, it was known that orange carrot juice was medically active," says Massimo Iorizzo of North Carolina State University. "All of this has contributed to carrots' status as an iconic healthy vegetable."
Lorizzo and the rest of the team of researchers discovered the origin of its characteristic colour, in a study entitled "Population genomics identifies genetic signatures of carrot domestication and improvement and uncovers the origin of high-carotenoid orange carrots", published in Nature Plants. By sequencing 630 types of carrot, they sought to investigate genetic variants associated with specific characteristics.
As mentioned above, the study shows that the carrot was domesticated during the early Middle Ages, in the region from Western Asia to Central Asia, and that the orange carrot was selected during the Renaissance period, probably in Western Europe.
This process was accompanied by a progressive reduction in genetic diversity. Without knowing it, farmers have been selecting carrots that have beneficial characteristics for the human body for several centuries.

Three recessive genes
Scientists found three specific genes in which orange carrots had variants that resulted in the gene being deactivated. In purple, yellow or white carrots, at least one of the three genes was active. Said genes regulate the levels of alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, chemical substances that belong to a group of pigments called carotenoids.
According to Iorizzo, when these genes are deactivated, carrots produce more carotenoids that give rise to their well-known orange colour, as well as making them a particularly rich source of vitamin A.
Alpha and beta-carotene are converted into vitamin A in the human body, which is important for eye health, the immune system and other parts of the body.
Many orange carrots also have genetic variants that delay flowering, which typically makes them tougher and inedible. “It turns out that farmers have been unknowingly selecting for these beneficial traits for centuries,” says Iorizzo.
Iorizzo and the team hope that a more comprehensive understanding of carrot genetics can help create even better carrots in the future.