Weather for all the cities in the State of Washington
- Packwood
- Paha
- Palouse
- Paramount Park
- Parklane Court Mobile Home Park
- Parkview
- Pasco
- Tri-Cities Airport Pasco
- Pateros
- Peaceful Valley
- Peach Acres
- Perry
- Phinney Ridge
- Piedmont
- Pifer
- Pine Glen
- Pine Lake
- Pine Street Mobile Home Park
- Pinehurst
- Pinehurst
- Plain
- Plaza Mobile Home Park
- Point Roberts
- Port Angeles
- Port Gamble
- Port Orchard
- Port Townsend
- Portal Creek Mobile Home Park
- Portal Way Mobile Village
- Potlatch
- Poulsbo
- Preston
- Prevost
- Prosser
- Pullman
- Pullman Junction
- Puyallup