Weather for all the cities in the State of Victoria
- Pakenham
- Park Orchards
- Parkville
- Peterborough
- Phillip Island
- Phillips Island
- Point Cook
- Port Albert
- Port Campbell
- Port Fairy
- Port Melbourne
- Portsea
- Princetown
- Reservoir
- Richmond
- Ringwood
- Ringwood East
- Ringwood North
- Robinvale Irrigation District Section E
- Rutherglen
- Sale
- San Remo
- Scoresby
- Seymour
- Shepparton
- Sherbrooke
- Silvan
- Skye
- Smeaton
- South Wharf
- Southbank
- St Albans
- St Helena
- St Kilda
- Stawell
- Strathmore
- Sugarloaf Creek
- Sunshine
- Swan Hill
- Swan Marsh