Weather for all the cities in the State of Texas
- Hacienda De Los Vegas Colonia
- Hacienda El Porvenir Colonia
- Hackberry
- Hallettsville
- Hallsville
- Hamlin
- Hamshire
- Hankamer
- Happy
- Happy Hideaway
- Hargill
- Harlingen
- Valley International Airport Harlingen
- Harmel Colonia
- Hartland
- Hebbronville
- Hebron
- Helotes
- Hendrix
- Heritage Square Number 2 Colonia
- Hern Colonia
- Herty
- Hewitt
- Hico
- Hidalgo
- High Island
- High Land Colonia
- Highland
- Highland Memorial Park Colonia
- Highland Park
- Highland Village
- Hilda Colonia Number 2
- Hillcrest
- Hillsboro
- Hilltop
- Hitchcock
- Hobbs
- Hoehn Estates Colonia
- Holiday Beach
- Holly
- Hollywood Park
- Hondo
- Honea
- Hooks
- Horseshoe Bay
- Hoskins
- Houston
- David Wayne Hooks Memorial Airport Houston
- William P. Hobby Airport Houston
- Hovey
- Howelsen Hill
- Hudson Bend
- Hughes
- Hungerford
- Hunter
- Hunters Creek Village
- Huntsville
- Hurst
- Hutchins