Weather for all the cities in the State of Texas
- Gainesmore
- Gainesville
- Gainesville
- Galloway
- Galveston
- Ganado
- Garceno
- Gardendale
- Garland
- Garland
- Garrison
- Garza Colonia Number 1
- Garza Colonia Number 2
- Garza-4Th-6Th Streets Colonia
- George Lookingbill Number 1 Colonia
- George Lookingbill Number 2 Colonia
- George West
- Georgetown
- Georgia
- Germania
- Germany
- Gill
- Girlstown Usa
- Glen Cairn
- Glen Hill
- Glen Park
- Glenburnie
- Glenrio
- Glenshire Estates Colonia
- Glidden
- Gober
- Goliad
- Gomez Colonia
- Good Hope
- Gorman
- Grady
- Graham
- Granbury
- Grand Bluff
- Grand Prairie
- Grandfalls
- Grapevine
- Green Acres Colonia
- Green Lake
- Green Valley Development Subdividion Colonia
- Greenbrier Southwest
- Greenview Manor
- Greenville
- Gregory
- Gribble
- Grimes
- Grove West
- Grovewood Estates Colonia
- Gruene
- Gulf Palms
- Gum Springs
- Gumesindo Galvan Colonia