Weather for all the cities in the State of Texas
- Fairfield
- Fairview
- Falcon Lake
- Falcon Village
- Falfurrias
- Fannett
- Farmers Academy
- Farmers Branch
- Farwell
- Fate
- Fays Corner
- Faysville
- Fitze
- Fitzhugh
- Five Oaks
- Five Points
- Fleamarket Colonia
- Flora Colonia
- Florence Hill
- Flour Bluff
- Flour Bluff Junction
- Flowella
- Fm 1426-Minnesota Road Colonia
- Fm 1925-Floral Rd Colonia
- Ford Oaks
- Forney
- Forreston
- Fort Chadbourne
- Fort Clark Springs
- Fort Crockett
- Fort Davis
- Fort Stockton
- Fort Travis
- Fort Worth
- Fort Worth Alliance Airport
- Foster Colonia
- Four Corner Windmill
- Four Corners
- Four Corners
- Foxwood
- Francis Addition Colonia
- Francitas
- Fratt
- Fred Adams Colonia
- Fredericksburg
- Fredonia Hill
- Freeport
- Freeway Manor
- Freiheit
- Friday
- Frisco
- Frostwood
- Fuller
- Fulshear
- Fulton
- Furguson