Weather for all the cities in the State of Tennessee
- Caigletown
- Calhoun
- Calistia
- Camelot
- Camp Jordan
- Camp Placid
- Capleville
- Carroll
- Cartertown
- Carthage Junction
- Caryville
- Catlettsburg
- Cedar Grove
- Cedar Springs
- Chalet Village
- Chambers
- Chantay Acres
- Chapmans
- Charlotte Park
- Chattanooga
- Chattanooga Airport
- Cherokee Hills
- Cherokee Park
- Cherokee Woods
- Cherry Hills
- Church Hill
- Clarksburg
- Clarksville
- Clarktown
- Claybrook
- Clevenger
- Clifton Junction
- Coile
- Collegedale
- Collierville
- Collingwood
- Columbia
- Columbia Gardens
- Conner Heights
- Cookeville
- Coopertown
- Cordova
- Cosby
- Cotton Grove
- Couchville
- Country Haven Estates
- Countryside Village
- Cove Lake Estates
- Cowan
- Coxburg
- Craggie Hope
- Crawford
- Creekwood Terrace
- Creson
- Crooked Creek
- Cross
- Crosstown
- Crossville
- Crowtexas
- Crump
- Cuba
- Cumberland Heights
- Cumberland View Estates
- Cummings