Weather for all the cities of South Carolina
- Saint Paul
- Sansbury Crossroads
- Santee
- Sardinia
- Sardis
- Sea Pines Plantation
- Seabrook Island
- Secessionville Acres
- Sedgefield
- Selma
- Seneca
- Shadow Brook
- Sharp
- Shell Point Park
- Shiloh
- Shipyard Plantation
- Silver Lake
- Simpsonville
- Sims
- Skimmer Bay
- Smallwood
- Smithfield
- South Beach Villas
- South Windermire
- Spartanburg
- Spring Park
- Springdale
- Springtown
- Springwood
- Stalvey
- Stilton
- Stover
- Sturgis Estates
- Sullivans Island
- Summerton
- Summerville
- Sumter
- Surfside Beach
- Suttons
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Texas
- The Dunes
- The Old Home Place
- The Village
- Tilghman Estates
- Timber Ridge
- Timber Ridge
- Timmonsville
- Towne Creek Acres
- Townville
- Trinity Cross Roads
- Twin Brooks