Weather for all the cities in the State of Pennsylvania
- Saint Boniface
- Saint Clair
- Saint Johns
- Saint Leonard
- Saint Martins
- Salunga
- Saucon Valley Terrace
- Sayre
- Scammells Corner
- Schellsburg
- Schofield Corners
- Schubert
- Schuylkill
- Schuylkill Haven borough
- Scotland
- Scotrun
- Scott
- Scottdale
- Scranton
- Sebring
- Sedgwick
- Seipstown
- Seven Springs
- Sewickley Heights
- Shakespeare Club
- Shamburg
- Shamokin Dam
- Shanks Mill
- Sharpsville
- Shartlesville
- Shawnee Mountain Ski Area
- Shawwood Park
- Shellsville
- Shelly
- Shingiss
- Shippensburg
- Shoemakers
- Shortys Place
- Shrewsbury
- Siles
- Silver Spring
- Siousca
- Ski Big Bear
- Ski Sawmill
- Slatington
- Slippery Rock
- Smith Mills
- Smoketown
- Smoketown
- Snowdenville
- Society Hill
- Solomon Gap
- Somerton Estate
- Soudersburg
- South Bradford
- South Chester
- South New Castle
- South Tamaqua
- South Waverly
- South Williamsport
- Southwood Hills
- Spartansburg
- Speeceville
- Spike Island
- Split Rock
- Sporting Hill
- Sporting Hill
- Sportsburg
- Spring Dale Heights
- Spring Garden
- Spring Garden
- Spring Mount
- Spring Ridge
- Springfield
- Springtown
- Sproul
- Squirrel Hill
- Stanton
- Stanwood
- State College
- State Line
- Steam Valley
- Steelton
- Sterrettania
- Stetlersville
- Stickney
- Stonedale
- Stonybrook
- Stoopville
- Stormstown
- Stoufferstown
- Stoughstown
- Stoystown
- Strasburg
- Stroudsburg
- Suedberg
- Sugar Grove
- Sugar Notch
- Sugarloaf
- Summerdale
- Sunnyland
- Sunol
- Suplee
- Susquehanna
- Susquehanna Manor
- Sutton Terrace
- Swarthmore
- Swartzville
- Swatara
- Sweden
- Sweetwater
- Sygan
- Sylvania