Weather for all the cities in the State of Pennsylvania
- Lafayetteville
- Lake Harmony
- Lake Latonka
- Lakeside
- Lambs Creek
- Lampeter
- Lancaster
- Lancaster Airport
- Langdon
- Lantz Corners
- Laurel Commons Mobile Home Park
- Laurel Hill
- Laurel Junction
- Laurel Summit
- Laurel Wood Mobile Home Park
- Lawn
- Lawndale
- Lawrenceville
- Leacock
- Leamersville
- Lebanon
- Lebanon South
- Lees Cross Roads
- Leesport
- Lehigh Valley International Airport
- Lemoyne
- Lenover
- Lenox
- Lenoxville
- Leola
- Leonardsville
- Level Green
- Lewis Run
- Lewisburg
- Lewistown
- Lewistown
- Lickdale
- Liebys Trailer Park
- Lightners Tract
- Lincoln Park
- Lindbergh
- Linntown
- Lititz
- Little Britain
- Liverpool
- Llanwellyn
- Llyswen
- Loag
- Lockport
- Locust Valley
- Lofty
- London
- Lone Pine
- Longview Estates
- Loop
- Lords Valley
- Lucknow
- Lumber City
- Lutzville
- Luxor