Weather for all the cities of North Carolina
- Saddletree
- Saint James
- Saint Pauls
- Salemfork
- Salisbury
- Sandy Cross
- Sandy Plain
- Sapphire Valley
- Savannah
- Sawmills
- Scranton
- Sea Breeze
- Sedalia
- Sedge-Town
- Sedgefield
- Selma
- Seven Lakes
- Severn
- Shallotte
- Shanghai
- Shelby
- Shepherds
- Sherrills Ford
- Shooting Creek
- Smithfield
- Smithville
- Soundside
- South Side
- Southern Shores
- Southport
- Spring Hill
- Stallings
- Star
- Startown
- Statesville
- Stoneville
- Stony Hill
- Stouts
- Sugar Mountain
- Supply
- Surf City
- Surry Green
- Swelton Heights
- Tanglewood Estates
- Taylorsville
- Terrell
- Terrells
- Texas
- Thankful
- The Oaks
- Thomasville
- Timberlake
- Topsail Beach
- Topton
- Townsville
- Tranquil Acres
- Tryon
- Tryon Hills
- Tunis