Weather for all the cities of North Carolina
- Garden Park
- Garner
- Garren Hill
- Gastonia
- Gastonia Municipal Airport
- Glass
- Glenn Echo
- Glenview
- Gliden
- Godwin
- Gold Rock
- Goldsboro
- Grandfather
- Granite Quarry
- Green Level
- Greenlee
- Greensboro
- Greenville
- Greenville
- Grove Park
- Guilford College
- Halifax
- Hampstead
- Hargrove Estates
- Harrisburg
- Hatley Pointe
- Hatteras
- Hawra
- Haymount
- Hazelwood
- Hazelwood
- Heathsville
- Henderson
- Hendersonville
- Hickory
- Hickory
- Hickory Regional Airport
- Hicks Crossroads
- High Point
- Highlands
- Holden Beach
- Holly Ridge
- Holly Springs
- Honolulu
- Hopewell
- Huntersville
- Huntley
- Hyde Park Estates