Weather for all the cities of Newfoundland
- Nain
- New Harbour
- New Perlican
- Newmans Cove
- Nippers Harbour
- Norman's Cove
- Norris Arm
- Norris Point
- North Boat Harbour
- North Harbour
- North River
- North West River
- Notre Dame Junction
- Packs Harbour
- Pacquet
- Paradise
- Paradise River
- Parkers Cove
- Parson's Pond
- Pasadena
- Pass Island
- Petty Harbour
- Pinware
- Placentia
- Point Lance
- Point Leamington
- Pool's Cove
- Port Albert
- Port Anson
- Port Au Port
- Port Blandford
- Port Hope Simpson
- Port Rexton
- Port Saunders
- Port Union
- Port-Aux-Basques
- Portland Creek
- Portugal Cove South
- Portugal Cove-St. Philip's
- Postville
- Pouch Cove
- Purbeck's Cove
- Pushthrough