Weather for all the cities of Missouri
- California
- Calwood
- Cameron
- Cape Girardeau
- Carlston
- Carr Square
- Carrol Junction
- Castle Point
- Central West End
- Charleston
- Chesterfield
- Chillicothe
- China
- Chouteau Springs
- Cincinnati
- Clarence
- Clarkson Valley
- Claycomo
- Clayton
- Clayton-Tamm
- Clifton Heights
- College Hill
- Columbia
- Concord
- Concord
- Concordia
- Conran
- Cooper Spur
- Cooter
- Cosby
- Cottleville
- Country Club
- Country Life Acres
- Courtney
- Cream Ridge
- Crescent
- Crestwood
- Creve Coeur
- Cuba