Weather for all the cities in the State of Maryland
- Salisbury
- Sanner Estates
- Severn Crossroads
- Severna Park
- Sharewood Acres
- Silver Spring
- Sky View
- Sollers Point
- Solomons
- Sparrows Point
- Springhill Lake
- Springlake
- Stafford
- Stanley
- Stoney Forest Estates
- Sudlersville
- Sugarland
- Summit
- Sunday
- Sunnybrook Farms
- Sunnyview Acres
- Sunrise Estates
- Swann Hills
- Tammany Manor
- Temple Hills
- Texas
- Thanksgiving
- The Meadows At Elk Creek
- Thompson Estates
- Thurmont
- Timmonstown
- Timonium
- Towson
- Turkey Point