Weather for all the cities in the State of Maryland
- Maryland City
- Maryland Line
- Maugansville
- Mchenry
- Meadowbrook Estates
- Meadowview
- Medford
- Metropolitan Grove
- Mexico
- Middletown
- Miles Corner
- Millersville
- Millersville Forest
- Montego Bay
- Montgomery Village
- Montpelier Woods
- Morantown
- Morningside
- Mount Rainier
- Neelsville
- New Germany
- New Hampshire Estates
- New Market
- New Mexico
- North Beach
- North Farm
- North Potomac Vista
- Northbrook
- Northwood
- Oak Court
- Oakland
- Oaklyn Manor
- Oakridge
- Oakville
- Ocean
- Ocean City
- Old Orchard Estates
- Old Severna Park
- Orangeville
- Orchard Hills
- Oxford Green
- Oxon Run Hills