Weather for all the cities in the State of California
- Fairfield
- Fairoaks
- Fairview
- Fallbrook
- Fallbrook Junction
- Famoso
- Farallon Island
- Faria
- Farm Hills
- Farr
- Farwell
- Felicity
- Fenner
- Fiesta Shores
- Fillmore
- Five Mile Terrace
- Five Points
- Five Points
- Fleetridge
- Florence
- Florin
- Floriston
- Folsom
- Folsom Junction
- Fontana
- Fort Bragg
- Fort Dick
- Fortuna
- Foster City
- Fountain Valley
- Four Seasons Mobile
- Frances
- Fremont
- Fremont
- Fremont
- French Camp
- Fresno
- Friendly Village Of Anaheim
- Frink
- Fruitridge Manor
- Fuller Park
- Fullerton
- Fullerton Municipal Airport
- Furnace Creek