Weather for all the cities in the State of California
- Cabazon
- Cabrillo Beach
- Cajon
- Calabasas
- Calada
- Calexico
- Calgro
- Caliente Sands
- California City
- California Heights
- Calipatria
- Calistoga
- Callender
- Camarillo
- Camarillo Airport
- Camarillo Mobile Estates
- Cambodia Town
- Cambria
- Camden
- Cameron
- Camerons Mobile Home Park
- Camino
- Camino Heights
- Camino Tassajara
- Camp Spaulding
- Campbell
- Campbell Village
- Camphora
- Campo
- Camulos
- Canby
- Canebrake
- Cannery Row
- Canoga Park
- Canyon
- Canyon Lake
- Cape Cod Village Mobile Home Park
- Cape Horn
- Capetown
- Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park
- Capitan
- Capitola
- Cardiff-By-The-Sea
- Carefree Mobile Village
- Carlsbad
- Carlsbad Trailer Park
- Carlton Hills
- Carmel Highlands
- Carmel Valley
- Carmel-by-the-Sea
- Carmenita
- Carmichael
- Carnadero
- Carpinteria
- Carthay Circle
- Casa Blanca
- Casa Conejo
- Castaic
- Castaic Junction
- Castellammare
- Castle Crag
- Castro City
- Castro Valley
- Castroville
- Caswell
- Cathedral City
- Catlett
- Cavin
- Cawelo
- Centerville District
- Century City
- Cerritos
- Chaffee
- Chambless
- Channel Island Beach
- Chapmantown
- Charter Oak Mobile Estates
- Chatsworth
- Chatsworth Lake Manor
- Cherry Valley
- Chester
- Chico
- Chinatown
- Chino
- Chino Hills
- Cholame
- Chowchilla
- Chrisman
- Chualar
- Chula Vista
- Citrus
- Citrus Heights
- Citrus View
- Clairemont
- Claremont
- Claremont
- Clayton
- Clearlake
- Clifton
- Clima
- Cloverdale
- Coachella
- Coalinga
- Cochrane
- Coffee Creek
- Coleman
- Colfax
- Colima
- College Heights
- College Heights
- Colonia Juarez
- Colonia Manzanilla
- Colusa
- Colusa Junction
- Commerce
- Community Center
- Como
- Compton
- Concord
- Contra Costa Centre
- Cordelia Junction
- Corning
- Coromar
- Corona
- Corona Del Mar
- Coronado
- Coronado Gardens Mobile Home Park
- Corte Madera
- Costa Mesa
- Cosy Dell
- Cotners Corner
- Cottonwood
- Counsman
- Country Aire Mobile Home Park
- Country Club Park
- Covina
- Cowan Heights
- Creekside Mobile Home Estates
- Crescent
- Crescent City
- Crestline
- Creston
- Cronese Valley
- Crystal Cove
- Culver City
- Cupertino
- Cutten
- Cypave
- Cypress Grove