Weather for all the cities in the State of California
- Waldo
- Walerga
- Walker Landing
- Walnut
- Walnut Creek
- Walnut Heights
- Waltz
- Warner Springs
- Wasco
- Waverly Park
- Wayne
- Weaverville
- Weed
- Weimar
- West Anaheim
- West Anaheim Junction
- West Athens
- West Colton
- West Covina
- West End
- West Glendale
- West Hollywood
- West Los Angeles
- West Sacramento
- West Sacramento Trailer Park
- West Saticoy
- West Village
- West Whittier
- Westchester
- Westgate Heights
- Westlake Village
- Westminster
- Westside
- Westwood Village
- Wheaton Springs
- White Water
- Whitley Heights
- Whitney
- Whittier Junction
- Wible Orchard
- Willits
- Willow Springs
- Willowville
- Winchester
- Windsor
- Windsor Square
- Winter Gardens
- Winterhaven
- Winters
- Woodland
- Woodland Hills
- Woodside
- Wrightwood
- Wrigley
- Wunpost
- Wyvernwood