Weather for all the cities in the State of California
- Napa
- Naples
- National City
- Naud Junction
- Nebo
- Need
- Needles
- Neff
- Neroly
- Nevada
- Nevada City
- Nevin
- New Chinatown
- New Cuyama
- New Dunn
- New Hope Landing
- New Monterey
- Newark
- Newbury Park
- Newhall
- Newlove
- Newport
- Newport Beach
- Newport Coast
- Nice
- Nicolaus
- Niland
- Nipomo
- Nipton
- Norco
- Normal Heights
- North Beach
- North Bench
- North Clairemont
- North Edwards
- North Fontana
- North Hills
- North Hollywood
- North Ontario
- North Palm Springs
- North Park
- North Placerville
- North Point Public Housing
- North Star Ranch
- Northstar California
- Norwalk
- Notleys Landing
- Novato
- Nutwood
- Nyland