Weather for all the cities of British Columbia
- Macalister
- Mackenzie
- Magna Bay
- Mahood Falls
- Malahat
- Malahat Automatic Weather Reporting System
- Malakwa
- Manning Park Resort
- Manson Creek
- Mansons Landing
- Mapes
- Maple Ridge
- Mara
- Marblehead
- Marguerite
- Marilla
- Marktosis
- Masset
- Masset A
- Mayne
- Mcbride
- Mcdame
- Mcinnes Island
- Mcleese Lake
- Mcleod Lake
- Mclure
- Meachen
- Meadows
- Merritt
- Merry Island
- Merville
- Mesachie Lake
- Metchosin
- Metlakatla
- Mica Creek
- Midway
- Milner
- Minstrel Island
- Miocene
- Mirror Lake
- Moberly Lake
- Moha
- Monte Creek
- Monte Lake
- Montney
- Montrose
- Moose Heights
- Moresby Camp
- Moricetown
- Mount Currie
- Mount Robson
- Mount Timothy
- Mount Washington Alpine Resort
- Moyie
- Mt Seymour
- Muncho Lake
- Murdale
- Muskwa
- Myra