Weather for all the cities of British Columbia
- Fair Harbour
- Fairmont Hot Springs
- Fairview
- Falkland
- False Bay
- Fanny Bay
- Farmington
- Fauquier
- Fellers Heights
- Fernie
- Fernie Alpine Resort
- Field
- Fireside
- Firvale
- Flathead
- Fontas
- Forest Grove
- Forestdale
- Fort Babine
- Fort Fraser
- Fort Nelson
- Fort Rupert
- Fort St John
- Fort St. James
- Fort Steele
- Fountain Valley
- Fowler
- Francois Lake
- Fraser Lake
- Fruitvale
- Fulford Harbour
- Gabriola
- Galena Bay
- Galloway
- Gang Ranch
- Garibaldi
- Genelle
- Georgetown Mills
- Germansen Landing
- Gerrard
- Gibsons
- Gillies Bay
- Giscome
- Glenora
- Glentanna
- Gold Bridge
- Gold River
- Golden
- Golden Airport
- Goose Bay
- Gordon River
- Grand Forks
- Granisle
- Granite Bay
- Granthams Landing
- Grasmere
- Grassy Plains
- Gray Creek
- Green Island Light Station (Heliport)
- Greenville
- Greenwood
- Grey Islet Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
- Grindrod
- Groundbirch
- Grouse Mountain