Weather for all the cities of British Columbia
- Tachie
- Tahltan
- Tahsis
- Takla Landing
- Taku
- Takysie Lake
- Tappen
- Tatalrose
- Tatla Lake
- Tatlayoko Lake
- Tatton
- Taylor
- Tchesinkut Lake
- Telegraph Cove
- Telegraph Creek
- Telkwa
- Terrace
- Tete Jaune Cache
- Tetsa River
- Theodosia Arm
- Thurlow
- Tintagel
- Tipella
- Tlell
- Toad River
- Tofino
- Tofino Airport
- Tomslake
- Topley
- Topley Landing
- Towdystan
- Trail
- Trinity Valley
- Triple Island Light
- Trout Lake
- Trout Lake
- Trutch
- Tulameen
- Tulsequah
- Tupper
- Twidwell Bend