Weather for all the cities in the Province of Alberta
- Fairview
- Fallis
- Faust
- Fawcett
- Fenn
- Ferintosh
- Ferrier
- Fifth Meridian
- Finnegan
- Fitzgerald
- Flatbush
- Foothills
- Foremost
- Forestburg
- Fort Assiniboine
- Fort Chipewyan
- Fort Chipewyan Automated Reporting Station
- Fort Kent
- Fort Macleod
- Fort Mcmurray
- Fort Saskatchewan
- Fort Vermilion
- Fox Creek
- Fox Lake
- Furman
- Gadsby
- Gage
- Gainford
- Galahad
- Garden Creek
- Garden River Automatic Weather Reporting System
- Gem
- Genesee
- Gibbons
- Gift Lake
- Girouxville
- Gleichen
- Glendon
- Glenevis
- Goodfish Lake
- Goodridge
- Gordondale
- Grand Centre
- Grande Cache
- Grande Prairie
- Granum
- Grassland
- Grassy Lake
- Green Court
- Grimshaw
- Grouard Mission
- Gull Lake
- Gunn
- Gurneyville
- Guy