Weather for all the cities in the Province of Alberta
- Saddle Lake
- Sangudo
- Saunders
- Scandia
- Scapa
- Schuler
- Sedalia
- Sedgewick
- Seebe
- Seven Persons
- Sexsmith
- Shoal Creek
- Shouldice
- Sibbald
- Silverwood
- Skiff
- Slave Lake
- Smith
- Smoky Lake
- Solomon
- Sousa Crk Avt
- Spedden
- Spirit River
- Spirit River Auto Station
- Spondin
- Spring Coulee
- Springburn
- Spruce Grove
- Spurfield
- Sputinow
- St. Albert
- St. Lina
- St. Michael
- St. Paul
- St. Vincent
- Stand Off
- Standard
- Stanger
- Stavely
- Steen River
- Steeper
- Sterco
- Stettler
- Stony Plain
- Strachan
- Strathmore
- Strome
- Styal
- Suffield
- Suffield Airport
- Sundre
- Sunnybrook
- Sunnynook
- Sunnyslope
- Sunset House
- Swalwell
- Swan Hills
- Sweetgrass Landing
- Sylvan Lake