Benifaió - Historical Weather Data

** In this section the units are currently fixed, unit selection will be available soon.

Data obtained from the nearest active weather station

Weather station Montserrat - Casadalt (Urbanización Virgen de Montserrat)
  • Airport Valencia (LEVC)
  • Weather station MeteoPatraix (Valencia)
  • Weather station VALENCIA-PATRAIX (Valencia)
  • Weather station Valencia-Centro (Valencia)
  • Weather station Meteocalicanto (Torrente)
  • Weather station Cullera - San Antonio (Cullera)
  • Weather station meteoalbereda (Valencia)
  • Weather station meteofoios (Foios)
Latest data Update 31/08/2017 09:20:00 (UTC)
Current Temperature 24 °C Dew Point -- °C
Feels Like -- °C Wind Direction ENE
Relative Humidity 76 % Wind Speed 1.6 km/h
Rainfall 0 mm Gusts -- km/h
Pressure 1016.1 hPa Solar Radiation -- W/m2
Daily Summary Monthly Summary Annual Summary
  • Maximum Temperature 24 °C
  • Minimum Temperature 21 °C
  • Maximum Humidity 76 %
  • Minimum Humidity 59 %
  • Maximum Pressure 1016.1 hPa
  • Minimum Pressure 1012.1 hPa
  • Maximum Radiation -- W/m2
  • Minimum Radiation -- W/m2
  • Wind Speed (Max) 19.3 km/h
  • Maximum Wind Gusts -- km/h
  • Accumulated Rainfall -- mm
Station's graphics in real time Montserrat - Casadalt (Urbanización Virgen de Montserrat)

Temperature (°C)

Relative Humidity (%)

Pressure at sea level (hPa)

Wind Speed (km/h)

August 2017
January February March
April May June
July August September
October November December
  • Maximum Temperature: -- °C
  • Minimum Temperature: -- °C
  • Average Temperature: -- °C
  • Rainfall: -- mm
  • Average Wind Speed: -- km/h
  • Maximum Wind Gusts: -- km/h
Day Avg. Temp. Max. T. Min. T. Avg. Wind Speed Max. gusts Avg. Pressure Rain

Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperature (°C)

Accumulated Rainfall (mm)

Maximum Wind speed (km/h)

  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
Month Avg. Temp. Max. T. Min. T. Avg. Wind Speed Max. gusts Avg. Pressure Rain

Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperature (°C)

Accumulated Rainfall (mm)

Maximum Wind speed (km/h)